
District 110 is committed to helping students explore learning experiences that engage their interests and address their learning needs. To do this, teachers utilize differentiated instruction for all students. In a learner-centered classroom, students reach their highest expectations for performance and achievement through pursuit of their personalized goals and unique talents. Classroom teachers and/or instructional specialists modify, adapt, and extend the core curriculum to respond to student interest and learning needs.

Gifted students are typically identified in second grade through both ability percentile ranks (CogAT) and achievement percentile ranks (FAST). Some common characteristics that many gifted individuals share include unusual alertness, even in infancy; learn rapidly and puts thoughts together quickly; excellent memory; an unusually large vocabulary; and abstract, complex, logical, and insightful thinking.

District 110 uses the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model (SCGM) in Grades 3–8. As part of SCGM, gifted-identified students are clustered together in an otherwise mixed-ability classroom. Classroom teachers receive specialized, ongoing training in differentiated instruction. This training includes teaching strategies for modifying curriculum content, the pace, and the learning environment to meet individual student needs. This training is essential and prepares teachers with insight into how the gifted child learns and functions. It also equips them with the tools they need to provide the best learning experience for the gifted-identified student.

For more information, contact:

Erika Nesvig
Director of Educational Services

More Information
Qualification Procedures
Characteristics of Gifted Identified Students
Bright Child vs. Gifted Learner
Frequently Asked Questions about SCGM
Parent Resources