Food Tray

Cafe #110 loves kids and we love school lunch – that’s a winning combination for all of us! Our mission is always focused on: serving wholesome food, cooking from scratch, local sourcing, and sustainability. Choice and variety are important to students, so our menu is planned to provide a variety of options.

Quick Links
Daily School Menus
Online Payments
Meal Benefits Application

Edible Classroom

Students learn about “seed to table” progression, food security, and hunger issues right in their own backyard through their engagement in the “Edible Classroom” (school garden/orchard). Students personally deliver over 300 pounds of fresh produce to the local Food Shelf every year. Click here to learn more. 

Edible Classroom Sign
Local Sourcing

Local Sourcing

We offer our students a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and we’re using more & more locally grown ingredients. We partner with local farmers to source things like maple syrup, apples, vegetables, fresh herbs, eggs and more! 


The ISD 110 Flour Shop is our signature “made-from-scratch” kitchen located within Waconia High School. Four full-time Nutrition Services staff members oversee the Flour Shop operation. They continually create and perfect a growing list of menu items made from locally-sourced, real, healthy ingredients.  

Flour Shop
Contact Us

Please direct all inquires to the Nutrition Services Office by emailing