
Waconia High School is the home of the Wildcats and serves more than 1,300 students in grades 9-12. We are a growing, thriving and comprehensive four-year high school located in Waconia, MN. WHS has a great balance of academic, athletic, and fine arts opportunities available to the students while maintaining a great sense of community and individual attention. 

Our philosophy at WHS is one based on a dedication to excellence in education and the development of each student to his or her full potential for the leading of a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life. Our mission is to create students who are purposeful thinkers, effective communicators, self-directed learners, productive group participants, and responsible citizens.

Click here to learn more. 

Latest News

2025-2026 Waconia High School Registration and Enrollment 

Will your son or daughter be attending Waconia High School in the Fall of 2025? We have placed all of the registration and enrollment information on the Waconia High School website. To access course registration information, you can find the links under the Guidance Office.  

The high school counselors will be visiting the following schools: St. Joseph on January 13th and Waconia Middle School on January 22nd and 23rd to provide course selection information. 

If your child is currently attending Waconia Middle School, they will be registering during the school day.  If you are a non Waconia Middle School family, please use the following steps to first enroll your child: visit the district website at www.isd110.org, click on Our Schools, go to Waconia High School, click on the Guidance Office link on the left, then click on the Online Enrollment link found on the center of the page. Once your child is enrolled, you will hear from the Guidance Office on how to select classes.

Choosing a high school is an important decision. If we can help you in that decision-making process, please contact us. For specific high school registration questions please call our guidance office at 952-442-0676.  Enrollment and registration is encouraged by Friday, February 7th.

Order Student School Photos Through Jostens

Parents and guardians looking to order school photos online can do so by going online to https://shop.jostenspix.com/login. When prompted, use the event code FE58724 for Waconia High School students and the event code FE278024 for Waconia Learning Center students. 

Upcoming Key Dates

Jan. 29 | Two-Hour Early Release

Feb. 7 | No School E-12 | WHS Staff Development

Feb. 8 | Polar Plunge

Feb. 15 | Star Power Show Choir Event

Feb. 17 | No School E-12 | Presidents' Day

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