Why Flex Learning Days?

Flex Learning Days are intended to provide access to learning when schools are closed due to inclement weather. While these days cannot replace the value of face-to-face learning time with teachers, they can provide continuous learning when school is cancelled. Flex Learning also eliminates the need to add make-up days to the end of the school year, helping families and staff plan their summer activities.

Flex Learning Day Notification

Clear communication of a Flex Learning Day going into effect is essential. ISD 110 will be using the same communication platforms that have been used previously to notify ISD 110 communities of school closures due to inclement weather. If it is the third or subsequent school closure due to inclement weather, and ISD 110 school officials have decided to implement a Flex Learning Day, the school closure notification will also state it is a Flex Learning Day.

Grades K-4 Flex Learning Days - Choice Boards

Grades K-4 teaching staff will develop Choice Boards for Flex Learning Days. Staff will have Choice Boards ready and will email parents no later than the morning of a Flex Learning Day. Upon completion of the Choice Board, the student and caregiver will sign the Choice Board and the student will return it to school. If families do not have access to print Choice Boards, they may document which activities were completed on a separate sheet of paper, sign, and then return that paper to school. 

Grade 5 - Schoology

Grade 5 teaching staff will hold a Morning Meeting via Zoom from 9:30-10:00. Coursework may include, but is not limited to, online discussions, quizzes/assessments, online readings, and completing assignments using digital resources. In some cases, students may be directed to complete offline activities, such as textbook readings or other assignments.

Grades 6-12  Flex Learning Days - Schoology with Zoom

Grades 6-12 students will attend a Zoom session for each of their courses. Teachers will post their Zoom link in Schoology. For more information on the Middle and High School schedule, see link below.

Communicating With Your Teacher(s) on a Flex Learning Day

Teachers, principals, and other licensed professionals will be available by email or phone. Since teachers do not have access to their school voice mail when they are off campus, email is the preferred tool for communication. If a student or parent requests phone communication, they should email their preferred phone number to their teacher with a preferred contact time. Staff email addresses are posted in the ISD 110 Staff Directory.

Student Attendance on a Flex Learning Day

  • K-5 attendance will be based on work completion. K-4 students will turn in their signed Choice Boards. Grade 5 students will complete their work in Schoology.
  • Middle School students are expected to visit Schoology at the start of each class period. Teachers will be taking attendance in each class period and require some form of electronic interaction. (WMS schedule and attendance information)
  • High School students will login to classes via Zoom, and attendance will be taken at the beginning of the Zoom. (WHS schedule and attendance information)
  • Excused absences will be granted if the parent calls the school’s attendance line.
  • If parents do not call the attendance line to report their child’s absence on a Flex Learning Day, the absence will be marked as unexcused.

Grades 6-12 Flex Learning Day Course Schedules

WMS Schedule and Attendance Information
WHS Schedule and Attendance Information


We realize that some students may need accommodations in order to complete their work. Some of those reasons may include a lack of Internet access, an IEP or 504, or the absence of immediate caregiver support in completing their coursework. For these reasons, coursework will be due on the third day after a Flex Learning Day is implemented.

Flex Learning FAQ

Click Here for the Staff Directory

Click Here for the Winter Weather Plan for School Closings