601 School District Curriculum and Instructional Goals (October 2023)
602 Organization of School Calendar and School Day (Sept 2023)
603 Curriculum Development (October 2023)
604 Instructional Curriculum (May 2024)
605 Alternative Programs (Dec 2022)
606 Textbooks and Instructional Materials (Feb. 2023)
607 Organization of Grade Levels (Dec 2022)
608 Instructional Services - Special Education (Dec 2022)
609 Religion (Dec 2022)
610 Field Trips (August 2021)
611 Homeschooling (Jan 2023)
612.1 Development of Parental Involvement Policies for Title I Programs (Sept 2023)
613 Graduation Requirements (Sept 2023)
614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure (Jan 2023)
615 Basic Standards Testing Accommodations Modifications and Exemptions for IEP Section 504 Accommodations and LEP Students (Jan 2023)
616 School District System Accountability (Sept 2023)
618 Assessment of Student Achievement (Sept 2023)
619 Staff Development for Standards (Sept 2023)
620 Credit for Learning (Dec 2023)
621 Literacy and the Read Act (October 2023)
623 Mandatory Summer School Instruction (Sept 2023)
624 Online Instruction (October 2023)
625 Media and Book Selection (Feb 2023)
698 Teaching Controversial Topics (April 2023)